
That’s not my Neighbor

That’s not my Neighbor

That's Not My Neighbor throws you into the unique role of a building guard tasked with preventing monstrous imposters, disguised as humans, from entering. Your objective is to identify and stop these disguised threats before they can cause harm to the building's occupants.


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Objectives of the Game

That's Not My Neighbor throws you into the unique role of a building guard tasked with preventing monstrous imposters, disguised as humans, from entering. Your objective is to identify and stop these disguised threats before they can cause harm to the building's occupants.

Game Mechanics and Rules

The game plays out as a point-and-click adventure with a suspenseful twist. As people approach your security checkpoint, you'll be presented with their identification documents and need to scrutinize them for inconsistencies. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to observe their behavior and appearance to identify potential red flags.

Tips & Tricks

    • Stay Vigilant: Pay close attention to everyone entering, looking for subtle clues like unnatural movements, inconsistent behavior, or discrepancies in their identifications.
    • Learn the Patterns: Observe the regular residents' routines and appearances. Recognizing their usual behavior helps distinguish them from imposters trying to blend in.
    • Use Your Tools: Utilize any provided gadgets like ID scanners, security cameras, or special vision equipment to aid your investigation.
    • Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off about someone, investigate further even if their documents appear legitimate.
    • Prioritize Threats: Not all monsters pose the same level of danger. Focus on neutralizing the most immediate threats to ensure the building's safety.
    • Stay Calm Under Pressure: As the difficulty increases, maintain composure to make clear judgments during intense situations.
    • Cooperate with NPCs: Interact with helpful characters who can provide information or assistance in identifying and stopping disguised threats.
    • Adapt and Evolve: Be prepared to adjust your strategies as you encounter new types of imposters and challenges.
    • Manage Resources Wisely: Utilize gadgets, ammunition, and time strategically to maximize your effectiveness.
    • Take Breaks: Don't neglect your well-being. Take periodic breaks to avoid mental fatigue and maintain focus during your guard duty.

How to Play (Mouse and Keyboard)

    • Use the mouse to click on objects and characters within the game environment.
    • The left mouse button is typically used for primary interactions like selecting, examining, and using objects.
    • The right mouse button may be used for additional options or context-specific actions.
    • The keyboard can be used for navigation, accessing menus, and potentially activating in-game abilities.

Remember, with a keen eye, sharp intuition, and strategic thinking, you can successfully safeguard your building from the disguised menace in That's Not My Neighbor.


Successfully identifying and stopping disguised monsters earns you points and progresses the game. Conversely, allowing imposters to pass through or making wrongful accusations against innocent residents incurs penalties.

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