
Pigeon Ascent

Pigeon Ascent

Pigeon Ascent made its debut during Ludum Dare #46, where game developers pushed their creative boundaries to produce innovative and entertaining games. While the game may have deviated slightly from the theme, it resulted in a whimsical and engaging adventure that left players craving for more.


Pigeon Ascent made its debut during Ludum Dare #46, where game developers pushed their creative boundaries to produce innovative and entertaining games. While the game may have deviated slightly from the theme, it resulted in a whimsical and engaging adventure that left players craving for more.

The game's core concept revolves around taking care of your very own pigeon as they face increasingly formidable adversaries. At the climax of the game, players must confront the legendary Pigeon God. The ultimate challenge is to keep your pigeon alive and well throughout this avian odyssey, protecting it from the clutches of death.

Pigeon Ascent's gameplay is designed to be accessible and intuitive. Players need only use their trusty mouse to interact with the game's world. The pigeons, while fighting autonomously, rely on the player's guidance to succeed. Here's a breakdown of the gameplay and controls:

  1. Mouse-Driven Interaction: Pigeon Ascent embraces simplicity by utilizing the mouse for all interactions. This means that players can focus on strategizing and enjoying the game without the complexity of multiple keybinds.

  2. Pigeon Customization: Players can allocate attribute points to their pigeons, enhancing their strengths and abilities. This customization element adds depth to the game, allowing players to tailor their pigeons to their preferred playstyle.

  3. Enemy Selection: The player decides which enemies their pigeon will face. This strategic aspect adds an element of choice and planning, making each playthrough unique.

  4. Autonomous Combat: While players make critical decisions about attribute points and enemy selection, the pigeons handle combat on their own. The outcome of each battle hinges on the player's choices and their pigeon's capabilities.

As players embark on their pigeon-raising adventure, they will encounter a diverse array of foes, each more formidable than the last. The challenges escalate steadily, testing the player's decision-making skills and strategic acumen. Every battle won brings players closer to the ultimate showdown with the legendary Pigeon God.

The pinnacle of Pigeon Ascent is the face-off with the enigmatic and awe-inspiring Pigeon God. This showdown is the culmination of the player's journey, a test of their pigeon's mettle and the player's strategic prowess. Only those who have nurtured their pigeon well, making wise decisions throughout the game, stand a chance against this formidable adversary.

Pigeon Ascent is a testament to the boundless creativity and charm of the gaming world. It seamlessly combines elements from classic games like La Brute, Tamagochi, and Pokémon, creating a unique and enjoyable experience. With its simple mouse-driven controls, customization options, and challenging battles, Pigeon Ascent offers a refreshing take on online gaming.


Using Mouse

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